Friday, January 30, 2009

Cat Ate Balloon Ribbon

Bungling made in Spain

quick fixes do not mean on the premises, there are. I'm talking about the shoddy administration. I explained as representing the civil service 30% of employment in some communities, management works so badly at times. I guess it's because they are more silly than the others. "Like is that they are poorly run?
Already here we expressed some disappointment and suspicion that something might go wrong when they introduced the new photovoltaic RD 1578/2008. What of quotas and the calls seemed to complicate matters rather than help. And is that who controls the controller?
read in Jumanjisolar that ASIF sent a letter to Ministry of Industry in which he expresses his fear of "the expiration date of delivery documentation needed to qualify for the second call, January 31, 2009, without having heard the outcome of the first, causing a lack of information on the status of full market, that business decisions to choose or not said second call to new projects. "
The Ministry of Industry has explained the delay Renewables is motivated because "a large number of applications were submitted with documentary errors are rectifying." All requests are entitled to a period of ten working days "for stakeholders to claim and present documents and evidence which they deem appropriate."
My experience as a bidder with the administration taught me that the best thing is that in crowded contests, as is the case, which does not have the documentation properly and point is left out because he knows his job . If the bidder does not know or can submit proper documentation how it can be assumed to build the facility in order?
This is a clear harmed, companies that have submitted their applications in order and have done a good job. Others do nothing but hinder. How do I fix this? Putting filters strongest entry documentation, if you're missing something out. You will see in the next edition are more diligent and not lacking anything.
How hard am today.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Compaq V6000 Coprocesser

photovoltaic Photovoltaics in Spain on the floor of the rules

Asif's latest report tells us that:

have been published provisional lists of files that have been submitted to the first call Pre-allocation of Remuneration Register (RPR), which corresponds to first trimester (T1) of next year 2009.
Removing the lists errors that are evident outside the royal decree powers, undated management, etc. and all reservations for this provisional list, preceding claims, means we can get an overview and draw some conclusions:
The approximately 180 projects I.1 subgroup (roofs of less than 20kW) with a total capacity of about 1.9 MW, come all and only cover 30% of available space of 6.6 MW. The rate at the next call will not drop.
The approximately 180 projects I.2 subgroup (roofs of more than 20kW and less than 2 MW) for a total of about 30 MW come all and cover 50% of available space 60MW. The rate at the next call will not drop or fall slightly.
Of the approximately 800 projects of the Group II (ground) only about 100 come into power quota comprising total quota is 58.2 MW. The files presented here have uncovered a percentage of the order of 1300% (thirteen times) the quota of the quarter. If projects less than 10MW power unit, we add the projects listed in the list of larger powers, the power lodged cover the shares of the next three years. The following call rate at 2.6% lower.
Conclusion: The difference between photovoltaic power installed in floor and roof is abysmal even when excess quota wen missing roof and floor. This indicates that there is a market for initiatives that capture roof for installation of photovoltaic panels. Because, remember, the roof is the natural habitat of the solar panels, that is, about consumption.