Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Compaq V6000 Coprocesser Driver

Vigil for Memory, Truth and Justice

Vigil Collectivities Square to commemorate the 34th anniversary of the coup d'état in Argentina on March 24 1976,

Joint Document

Human rights do not belong to the past,

are there in the future sucking intentionality,

feeding a struggle that

revived with each new violation of human destiny.

Therefore, any claim is made for them

makes sense because it shows the current powers

are not omnipotent and do not have controlled the future (Silo)
Today young people from different social sectors, artistic, professional, cultural, political, journalistic, student and union of our city, we have gathered for this vigil on the Day of Memory, Truth and Justice, commemorating the 34 anniversary of the fateful coup happened in our country to say, from the different expressions: "Never Again."

Because we can not distort the consciousness forgotten or forgiven what happened.

March 24, 1976, deepened a plan of repression and extermination, which he put thousands of people to kidnap, torture, death. Thousands populated prisons without cause and many thousands more were in exile the only way to survive. That dictatorship was supervised by the international banking and principal aim was to establish the foundations of economic neo-liberalism and political authoritarianism in our country.

This memory not only claims of human justice on the perpetrators, the perpetrators, but also on mentors or instigators and accomplices of these crimes. It will be necessary also that that part of the generation that was complicit in error, ignorant or impotent, and that gave tacit consent to develop things as they did, also taking an examination. The new generation needs a historical truth that can not be halfway. Only history is potential sincerity, if you also get candid minds.

Because we can not afford not to warn, that still remain inertia and consequences from those dark times.

Today we witness frightened seeing fascism is the germ of mobilizing large numbers of unwary who have not found a way to channel their discontent in a truly transformative, encouraging the deepening of inequality, inequity and injustice.

In those 34 years of atrocities committed by the supposed champions of the country and his entourage of pimps we must combine our efforts, screaming NO MORE !!... and give no respite to the right is organized.

irresponsible regularly hear voices in our society that claims, with statements similar to those that justify repression, phrases such as "to return the military and military conscription," "reduce the age punishable", "return the hand hard and the death penalty, and will dangerously insinuating the possibility of further coups.

Because we do not want NO MORE to these atrocities. It is possible that your browser does not support display of this image.

New generations want to build a country where there is full realization of equal rights and equal opportunity really for everyone.

We do not want those inertias are projected into the future.
New generations want to build a country where there is full realization of equal rights and equal opportunity really for everyone.

We do not want those inertias are projected into the future.

The youth of today, we ask that the generation now in power, to cleanse their minds of contradiction and assume the responsibilities, repairing double every evil that has been violated, whether by act or omission, because we still have in their hands the future of our people.

Historical memory is alive, it is necessary to truth and justice so that never again occur past atrocities.

Prepared by the Organizing Committee of the vigil for the Day of Memory, Truth and Justice "Plaza of the Communities - 23 and March 24, 2010
Concordia, 23/03/210