Monday, June 14, 2010

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Concordia was held in the Panel - Debate "The railway transport green"

On Friday June 11 in the "Library" Julio Serebrinsky "Panel Discussion was held on" The Railroad, a green transport "with guest panelists, the Dr. Ernesto Azua and young members of the Band "Train the People's Union" and the Humanist Movimeinto.

was organized by the Humanist Center of our city and enjoyed the competition and participationof and local references and youth interested in promoting the revival of railways as a transport from the obvious need for adequate means for the union of peoples, development and environmental care.

was also reported experiences that were highly significant political events such as National Train for Peace and Nonviolence that reactivated the Retiro, Mendoza on the occasion of the World March, and that intended to advance toward the first theme trips and newspapers in a short-term goal.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

2010 Lacunar Infarcts

Teacher Training Course: Permanent Council for Nonviolence

Audience: Teachers and students at all levels of teaching and the professorships

offer monitoring workshop with practical work
Score for Teachers: Recognition has General Education Council of the Province of Entre Rios by Resolution No. 2205 01/07/2009
Proposal Abstract:
three-pronged approach is proposed for change: to build permanent fields , solidarity and nonviolent simultaneously, on the Plans: Institutional, Socio-Community and Individual.

This method is the result of a process of action research on the causes of violence and how to build a new culture of solidarity and nonviolent, which is based on the Methodology of Non-Violence-activity of the New Humanism.

medium term, we aim to build Nonviolent Cities, through the formation of "Permanent Council on the active non-violence" at each institution and "Network" from non-violent in every neighborhood.

Organizers: Humanist Center and Institute of Specialties Physical Education
will be in charge of Dr. Bernadette Zalisñak and Fga. Maria Isabel Flachsland.

Participation is free but the right to the certificate is $ 40 for teachers and $ 10 for students

Information and Registration:
Humanist Center. May 1 236 - Tel: 422-0362 - E-mail: or on the wall leaving: Complete First and Last Name, ID number, address, occupation, telephone, e-mail and if you want the certificate.
Start Time:
On Friday, June 18 15:00 idea and ends at 20 pm.
The Saturday, June 19 beginning at 9:00 pm. and ends at 13:00
Hall of the Municipality of Concordia
Street: between Urquiza and Mitre
Concordia, Argentina Later
must do practical work developing an institutional project, socio-community and individual, may do so with the monitoring of teachers course and other Club volunteers Humanist Education.
to pass the course will need to meet the 80% attendance and pass the practical work.