Monday, July 26, 2010

Phrases From Gay Fish Episode

August 6 - New Hiroshima Anniversary of Genocide

invite young activists rejecting the genocide manifest Hiroshima and collect 1000 cranes for peace in the desire not to repeat future nuclear disasters.

On 6 August 1945, during World War II, the U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima city.

makers reported that 129,558 people were killed, wounded or missing as a result launch, and more than 176,987 lost their homes . The population of Hiroshima in 1940 had been 343,698 inhabitants. The blast devastated more than 10 km2 of land, about 60% of surface the city.

We are today not far from a nuclear disaster occurs. In 2006, humanism, warned in a campaign calling for global disarmament with a video warning about the dangers Silo


th October 2009 to January 2, 2010, was carried on a World March where thousands of activists marched through the Peace and Nonviolence demanding:

  • 1. The global nuclear disarmament
  • 2. The immediate withdrawal of invading troops from the occupied territories
  • 3. Progressive and proportional reduction of conventional weapons
  • 4. Signing non-aggression treaty between countries
  • 5. The resignation of governments to use war as a means to resolve conflicts
  • 6. The rejection of all forms of violence

East 6 August, the Humanistic Education Club invites all persons, schools, institutions, groups to express their rejection of nuclear war, and all forms of violence , at a meeting of 1000 cranes for peace to be hung at the gazebo in the Plaza May 25 City of Concord, from 10.30 to 13.30 hours and where there will also be some interventions at 12 pm. Such meetings will be taking place in hundreds of cities around the world, where the various agencies of the Humanist Movement have developed the World March for Peace and Non-Violence last year.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Zebra Print Flower Arrangements


Vero and Stephen
Marc and Erica

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Can I Get In The Air Force With Eczema

Teacher Training Course Training Tips for Nonviolence Permanent

enthusiastically took place on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 June, the Teacher Training Course for training tips Permanent for Non-Violence, with a striking young crowd of students from different faculties of our city. Participants must provide practical work before July 31, when they have the opportunity to defend them publicly.

was organized by the Humanist Center and Institute of Physical Education Specialties, with the presence of lead in the opening, Mr. Mario Legarreta, the President of the Humanist Education Club, Fga. Maria Isabel Flachsland and the Humanist Center director, Dr. Bernadette Zalisñak, who were also the teachers of the course.
The course organization was assisted by volunteer members of the Club of Humanistic Education and the Association "Volunteers for Non-Violence."