Photovoltaics has grown almost 500% in the last year
According to the National Energy Commission, installed PV solar power in Spain has exceeded 300 MW. The figure is closer to "target" of 371 megawatts, which is referred to in the Renewable Energy Plan 2005-2010.
This "objective" and means "roof" for a sector that, according to some developers, start finding problems in the banks to close financing agreements for new projects. And there is still no clear indication about where the government will put the new target ceiling.Currently, the secretariat of the Directorate General for Energy of the Ministry of Industry studies where reposition the bar, in consultation with partners in the photovoltaic industry. According to industry sources, is even considered the possibility of eliminating any ceiling for this technology. However, "prudence" of some banks takes effect negative, why the DGE should be clarified and point out some voices representing the sector, if you do not want to slow the development of this renewable source.
According to RD 661 of 2007, marking the premiums paid to the generation fed into the network of different renewable technologies photovoltaic systems fall within "transitional period" of one year after the grid-connected as 85% of target in the PER, ie, the 315 MW. During the so-called "year of grace" after reaching 315 MW, new projects will only be subject to additional premium if they get the final permits within a period not exceeding twelve months.
"We are already at 85%," says a developer, noting that the sector has grown over the past year to almost 500%. "And, despite the year of grace, we hear of some cases that banks refuse to finance projects new ones. "
the moment, the two major English-sector partners of the Association of Renewable Energy Producers (APPA) and the Solar Photovoltaic Industry (ASIF) - decline to comment officially on the current situation. However, a source of self ASIF said the partnership "is confident that the current uncertainty is resolved in a very short time."
Via: Renewable Energy
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