guess for now relieved at what they say, but let's look at the context and we realize that all is not gold that glitters and that the note is not complete and leads to confusion.
Consider the text paragraph by paragraph:
"The new pay system will be inspired by the German model declining premiums that applies when you reach a certain level of power "
This is not true. The German system reduces premiums are going to have photovoltaic systems by the year of commissioning.
"According to sources from the Ministry, the current remuneration model will remain in effect for all facilities constructed until September 29, 2008 and producers benefiting from it will continue to receive premiums over the next 25 years .
I indicated at the beginning is consistent the RD 661. The latter is wrong, the premiums of the facilities are for the entire lifetime of the installation.
Secretary of Energy, Ignasi Nieto, sent last Friday to the National Energy Commission (CNE) the proposal to triple the installed capacity target under the Renewable Energy Plan (PER ) 2005-2010 for solar photovoltaics, which goes from 400 to 1,200 megawatts (MW)-power equivalent to that of three groups combined cycle gas .
Let's see, the goals of 400 MW are there, but what happens is that there is no real ceiling on power but in time a year. And in a year as we go, you can reach over 1,200 MW.
When you reach the goal of 1,200 MW, which according to industry estimates will be in 2010, premiums for the facilities put into operation from September 2008 will be reduced about 5% per year .
Finally, tiny industry estimates. I notice, is people are not stupid and know full well that these predictions are not valid, so he left each free to interpret this fact. The second mosque me a little more, as this aspect is dealt with at the beginning the statement and gave no figures for reduced premiums ...
The forecast driven by the solar industry is that once implemented the new system installed capacity reaches 800 MW.
Does this data? Who is the solar sector, APPA ASIF Indarsun, OPDE, who? "800 MW? Seriously, this is a zeppelin probe.
The review of the objectives of power occurs after certifying that the CNE last week has reached 85 percent of the benchmark pro in PER 2005-2010 for solar photovoltaics, which was 400 MW, circumstance that requires cutting grants and subsidies .
"Achieving the goal requires cutting premiums? Here begin to put subliminal messages to warn.
In recent months there have been meetings between the Ministry and representatives of the photovoltaic sector with the aim of setting more ambitious goals power .
Once again we are trying to sell the bike that gives us power objectives. And again I say that up to September 29, 2008 no power objectives, eye, do not stop there, as if 2,000,000 MW installed.
Conclusion: Globaz probe and that the statement is not can take or with tweezers. Mind you, that's what I understand I am not a lawyer and I've seen done and undone. Finally note that the time has come for misleading advertising.
In case you enter before September 29, 2008.
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