Monday, November 22, 2010

Scorpio Disappears Returns A Game Or Serious

November 25 - International Day of Action against Gender Violence

Thursday, November 25 · 19:00 hs. - Plaza May 25

The Day International Violence Against Women, on Thursday 25 November, from 19 pm., In the plaza May 25, diistintas organizations Human rights activists are calling on the community for a matted to exchange, discuss and reflect on this issue.

"Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful human rights violation. As long as we can not say we are making real progress towards equality, development and peace" Kofi Annan

Rubén Bonelli, Office of Human rights in our city Country Doctor Marcela Andrade, university teacher and researcher at the CONICET, and Dr. Bernadette Zalisñak Humanist Party, made a short review to start the debate.

Organizers: Prevents Movement, Movement Educators entrerrianos, 6.7 and 8 Concordia, Humanist Party


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