Thursday, August 18, 2005

How To Keep Dog From Destroying Dog Bed

Fight for your right to Party

Haight - Ashbury was the corner where the hippie movement started, is in San Francisco, CA and has turned into a little tourist district. Below are the smoke shops, bars, organic, clothes, music and reel, but it's good.

Once a year is the " Annual Haight Ashbury Street Fair " and is the day you can drink, dance and meet people on the street. People living in Haight lends its departments to DJ's that play into the street, there are stands with food of all kinds (from meat to tofu) and install scenarios to touch groups (this year I play a reggae group)

Luckily I go to the version of 2005 and was excellent.

What Is A Cervix Like Before Period

Between classes only makes some weeks and got bored. At least I have my final schedule ready and I can schedule my life for the next 6 months. The board that supports my career "recommended" to take summer classes.

So one day to another I feel the obligation to apply NO2 and out after college. It will not be so difficult but nonetheless very boring.

For now achieved my goal, on Friday, in an evasive maneuver, but it is no less dangerous, take classes at night so Thursday will destroy my liver at the point of distillate of poor stock. Rancid Cabezon and join me in this noble crusade, they do not even have classes on Friday, damn rajudos. Today I'll start "cuicos" and test the new Alto del Carmen reserves, insurance will only be the first and then followed with highly praised new Capel 35 ° and then some of Santiago Bizarro.

Thursday is a disaster and Santiago is the culprit.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Projector Screen Crumpled

Not Guilty Obsession T-Shirt Viva

Driver Optiplex Gx620 Free


New virtual office of our "great friend" of the north is Starbucks. Starbucks is a good place, is like eating breakfast at home, because the truth is almost self service. A comfortable place, in passing, that if you often know you by name.

When Starbucks decided to have wireless internet on their premises (Markitecture: WiFi) there was a boom of Entrepreneurs who decided to use Starbucks as an office away from home. To poor entrepreneurs (myself included), is a good solution for light or set up meetings to discuss a project together.

Starbucks is the new SOHO (Small Office / Home Office)

reading: The new virtual office : Starbucks - Geek and

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Monica Roccaforte Retired?

Working for the Glamour

If you have not read this blog, you are so last week. The blog of my amigui you want to preserve the anonymity is the new Sex and the City.
If you did not understand what I wrote, you are not worthy of reading.

If you think mine is the typical ugly, resentful, who only have friends on MSN and you love to be part of the jetset shiquitin Creole're very wrong. Miss Glamour is really glam and glam when I say I do not mean the twins Campos.

Friday, August 5, 2005

Rephresh And Discharge

How Long Can You Serve In The Military To Retire

Full Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

A subliminal message in one of the missions of the game GTA San Andreas. A Norwegian magazine and I realized shit laughing. I had to share.

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Do Women Masterbation

View my friend's blog Fenoco. The gossips say that was adopted by a family ABC1 after inhaling found under a bridge neoprene, which is why his nickname. Today it has become a designer who hates to be ABC1.

The Storyteller
Diego is 9 and started his blog at 8. His stories are great. I recommend reading Mass Pool writing on 28 June.

Enjoy: D

Sample List Of Wordlock

Must read Story of a Big Red League

Three months ago I enrolled in one of these companies that they put a calcomonia on the windshield change back to silver and / or any gift. In this case was a commercial form TBanc and after three months I gave a radio to the car with CD/MP3. As he had no radio with CD and thinking about buying one soon, so I agreed.

Finally came the day when the contract ended. That day is today and I went to install the radio. What I did not know was that he had to leave the car during the day. So it is a leg and nothing to make a little above Military Academy. Yesterday I walked all day in a car so I decided to walk.

The first trip was to Alcantara. Stop at a kiosk there, I hit one read the headlines, buy the magazine for Cabezon Hemp (birthday was or will be) and then kept walking. Fold Golf and reach Isidora Goyenechea, go outside Blockbuster (I may go to the showcase to see the premiere) and then go for coffee and reading the newspaper at Starbucks . Starbucks is irresistible, expensive, but irresistible. Segui

my way and go outside and Hooters Fast Good, the two most overrated places in Santiago. Then turn into light and coming to my house.

When you feel you are stressed / down anymore / boring walk. Does good for the soul / health.
