Friday, November 9, 2007

Dawn Simulator Alarm Clock Canada

Soft landing or crash "tax deduction for investment in solar energy?

As you know, this year entered into force an amendment to the Income Tax Act and amending tax sociadades (downward) and gradually, the deduction fiscal investment in solar energy.
For many PV systems, especially if the owner is a legal entity created to own the installation exprofeso this deduction, spread over 10 years, save the accounts of the years in which must be addressed to the loan.
Well, I have come on good authority that this deduction will disappear all of a sudden and it retroactively in an autonomous community just can not take rocket by the profitability of their facilities.
from here that I call you on your Delegations ben informéis finance and your installers on this aspect that is important. If you want to then share with us the information the better.
A greeting.


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