recall that the photovoltaic industry abandoned the negotiating table created by the Ministry of Energy to discuss the future of photovoltaics due to the unilateral decision by industry to submit a new fee to the CNE without prior negotiation. ASIF
understood that the review of proposed regulatory framework for industry has some positive elements (such as tariff reduction scheme of 5% per annum or the momentum of the incorporation of solar technology to the building).
However, ASIF criticized the quota of 1,200 MW by 2010 which, in their view, leaves fee to all facilities that do not come into it, explained from the employer.
therefore ASIF confident that the quota is removed as unnecessary to clear the uncertainty. Also, request that one looked the regulation with a broader horizon, by 2020 instead of 2010. ASIF
intends to make further proposals to Industry. The employer wants to make the ministry set a maximum size of 10 MW solar installations, according to industry sources, because the solar energy must be distributed near the point of use to optimize the technology. This limit should also apply, the same sources, for solar farms. We must take into account the size and power of the facility, regardless of the number of owners, advanced.
Via: Todoenergias
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