Well, what I am, I read on the blog site of jumanji that ASIF will be torn apart. Abandon this partnership the following companies. Solaria, Isofoton OPDE, Gamesa Solar, Siliken, BP Solar, Solar T, Bergé Generación, Guascor, Fotowatio, Isolux, Gestamp Solar and Solar Pack.
If we analyze what kind of companies are these, we soon realize that there are few (ASIF represents hundreds of companies), are large and are dedicated to manufacturing (Siliken, Solaria, Isofoton, BP Solar , T Solar, Gamesa Solar), manufacturing and promotion of parks (OPDE, Guascor, Isolux Corsan, Gestamp Solar), and only promotion (Fotowatio, Solarpack) plus Bergé Generación (owner of Isofoton).
Of key partners (the steering committee) remain Atersa and Acciona Solar and the other two Gamesa Solar and Isofoton get off the car.
Reading is quite simple. It is noted that the interests of the larger companies are in large works and not the small roof, distributed generation at the point of consumption, etc ... Is it lawful on his part and started a movement towards a asocianismo sector more coherent discretice between different interests.
Acciona will remain because it is driving ASIF but I think we will see more movements.
I reproduce part of the statement:
the association's president and CEO of T-Solar, Juan Laso, remarked yesterday in the presentation, that his organization "does not arise from any conflict 'in relation to its separation from ASIF.
Laso said to represent 'long-term investment and stable jobs' at' commitment to photovoltaics. " The purpose of the constitution of the association is 'separate the wheat from the chaff' , in the words of Laso, in a sector that has grown up.
His profile and his interests are very different from what has hitherto been known of the intentions of Industry to the new regulation to replace from September to Royal Decree 661/2007.
If the first proposal of Industry, which CincoDías forward, saw the light as it is, the maximum power that would allow for installation of two megawatts. ASIF also favored limiting the size of the plants below 10 MW. However, as explained Javier Gorbeña, vice president of the association and CEO of Generation Bergé, they do support large solar plants. He noted that these facilities' are more efficient in the search for cost reduction. " The Association expressed as one of its objectives, maximize efficiency cost of this energy to reach parity with fossil fuels in the medium term.
addition, the new association does not want to impose quotas on the installation of photovoltaic power. According to the proposal of Industry, the maximum allowed for installation in 2009 would be 300 MW. Association said the sector has the capacity to have 10,000 MW installed in 2016 . The organization hopes to "speak in a few days" with industry on regulation. They agree on the need to reduce premiums to achieve a 'healthy profitability and not speculative' to ensure rates of return of 8%, Lasoski said.
advocate for making a quality standard
addition to seeking cost efficiencies to achieve parity with fossil fuels, the new association has also been raised, among its objectives, 'promote the quality and technology in the sector '.
In fact, Juan Laso noted advocates' a demanding quality standards, standards and monitoring compliance. " Gorbeña, in particular, noted that 'the exponential growth of the photovoltaic industry has led to a proliferation of facilities that do not meet the minimum durability, or are capable of generating energy that is expected of them' .
Gorbeña noted the risks that this situation introduces the work and investments and support the quality requirements are included in the new law.
Source: 5days
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