Barley, raw material and ingredient beer is artificially germinated and toast for Malta. Once ground grain mixed with water, it must undergo a process of cooking, known for brazing.
Through this process, starch containing the barley is converted into sugars. In this first step the liquid is obtained which will work to get the final product and, so far, has neither the taste nor the color of the beer we drink today. Liquid Filtration
Must we have obtained must be subjected to boiling for a few hours (usually two), after which, add the hops. These are the dried fruit of a climbing plant common in Spain, and the same name. By adding the must acquire the aroma and bitter taste so characteristic of beer.
to get a drink with a nice texture, filtered and eliminated any substance that is not dissolved in the above processes. Then subjected to a sudden change of temperature: boiling point is put at 8 or 10 º C. Until reaching this temperature the yeast can be added, one of the key ingredients of beer.
fermentation and maturation, the last process
yeast enzymes break down the juice and produce, naturally, alcohol and CO2. The product we have obtained after this process and is called beer, although a green beer or green they need to mature. The liquid stored in tanks remains a period that can range from the week and month, at a temperature of 0 º C. The time that remains in these deposits depends on the type and beer brand. After this time, the flavor is already real and definitive of the 'rods' that we tasted in bars or restaurants. Although, to be packaged and distributed, yet must be filtered again. The sediment and small particles are removed to leave the pure liquid.
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