Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Small Skin Colored Bumps On Knees


The cell is able to feed and reproduce from amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids. The appearance of these organic compounds on Earth can be studied if we imagine the primitive environment of Earth. The universe is made up almost 90% hydrogen. At first the earth was an area rich in certain compounds of hydrogen and water vapor, ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide, etc ..., and also had an ocean of liquid water with dissolved atmospheric gases it. The elements of the atmosphere and crust reacted together to form more complex molecules, such as amino acids. To this end were accurate source of energy. At the time, the atmosphere lacked free oxygen, unable to form the so called ozone that blocks the passage of the sun's ultraviolet rays, so harmful to humans, but so favorable for the formation of the first molecules of Earth life.
currently free amino acids form proteins began to coalesce. These, in turn, able to take advantage of the oxygen must have produced the oxygen that today is our atmosphere. Then the oxygen group could form ozone which impede the flow of ultraviolet radiation, stopping the possibility of continuing to build organisms. Henceforth, the new agencies would be the heirs to those first established by solar radiation. In a famous experiment, Miller and Urey American researchers applied electric shocks to a vessel containing a mixture of hydrogen, methane, nitrogen and ammonia. Eventually found to have formed various substances and organic compounds. Had been generated, the building blocks of protein. It is considered that they could feed and reproduce. Colonies were formed later. The cells became more interdependent, resulting in multicellular beings slowly evolved and refined.


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