Time: 8:00 p.m. to 22:30
Location: Library "Julio Serebrinsky"
Street: Urquiza 721
City / Town: Concordia, Argentina
Recipients: General public. Participation is free and open
Invited Panelists:
- Dr. Ernesto Azua, medical and cooperative in the city of Rosario which addresses the issue of the need of rail from a perspective of how this approach is essential health and the environment
- Members of FUDESA, a humanist action front that emerged from users who began to protest the unsafe line services it provides "General Sarmiento" in Capital and Province of Buenos Aires also impoulsaron with other groups the "Train of the National Peace and Nonviolence" in time of his participation in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, which came a train with 900 passengers to reach Mendoza 30/12/1909 to 01/02/1910 mobilization to reach the Punta de Vacas. Today we continue to work for new achievements.
- Railroad Concerning the Province of Entre Rios, who discussed the projects for the region, the difficulties and progress in the rehabilitation of the branches in the province.
Organizers: Humanist Center
at: Library "Julio Serebrinsky" - N ° 721
Information and Registration: Humanist Center '- 1 º de Mayo N º 236 - Tel: 0345/422-0362 - E-mail: centrohumanista@yahoo.com.ar or the wall of the event.
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