In compliance with the objectives of the third millennium
Ms. Lucia Alberti
Dr. Hernán Alarcón
Associate to abuse and trafficking. -
have to make clear that the approach to the exploitation in general, is getting involved trafficking, trafficking in and sexual labor and the sale of organs
was noted the conjunction of all levels of government in this call. Which is very important to take positive action.
this Act, adopted in 2008, which is about to be changed in these days (which is an exception), superseding inter alia, the consent of the victim when it is older. Making it an essential tool to escape from the complexities that arise by the lack of cohesion in the various institutional estates.
There is a new approach to the characterization of these crimes, taking them in a transnational context and framework. It is considered the crime of trafficking as marketing people-as UN-and traffic as the violation of immigration laws, there may be the crime of trafficking and that does not mean it. When there is trafficking for exploitation, so the dealer gets an economic benefit, especially in all matters relating to the mothers less than 14 years in labor exploitation.
Therefigures in the international order reliable sources that amount to some 400 million children of both sexes abused in the world. Some, like the president of the Organization Terra Forte, states that the official recognition of 30 million generates a progressive which gives the calculation of 500 million or more children being exploited. In the textile industry in the manufacture of carpets in the production of bricks, collecting vegetables, poultry farms in collecting eggs at 2 am and the child sex trade circuit.
it is essential to know the crime and their recruitment methods to prevent it.
regard to children in the child sex trade, there was talk of an investigation in the tri-border area in which, has been able to classify the preference of consumers (customers), by place of residence are categorized them as follows: children from 3 to 6 years, 6 to 9 years and 9 to 11 or 12 years. This marks the seriousness of the violation of the rights of children and adolescents, ignoring their rights as subjects of validated by the Universal Declaration and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United Nations.
The emphasis in recruitment strategies carried out soft, with calls at work, casting, dating, etc. completing these girls in the sex trade underground circuit, in captivity, undocumented and / or threats to his family. The abduction and / or the sale of children and adolescents, considered recruitment hard, to introduce them to labor exploitation or pornography on the Internet and / or sexual exploitation.
The collusion and cover-up are essential to work so oiling the chain of exploitation and illegal trade.
An ILO report in 2005 raised the question disputed second business clandestine arms trafficking. Today the dispute is first with drug trafficking.
There is always some form of conspiracy among arms trafficking, drugs and people.
driven Palermo Protocol adopted by UN in 2000 and then ratified by Argentina was in part the basis for the law of 26 364-treatment, although it has been, the Protocol significant progress states have lost a historic opportunity to arrive at concrete measures and strategies for development Together, they give effective instruments to combat trafficking and smuggling, transnational crimes considered major.
For best results, the various agencies that have jurisdiction over what makes the treatment of these crimes, should act together and coordinated.
Although prostitution is linked to the crime of trafficking, not to be understood that in all cases there is prostitution. If there is that there is sexual exploitation of third parties to gain economic handler
While the crime of human trafficking is a federal responsibility, in the Province of Buenos Aires, Attorney-in-ordinary jurisdiction to take cognizance of this crime, should strive to ensure the integrity of the victim in response to the vulnerability that is. And for the purpose of uniquely action of the members of the Public Ministry, Dr. Falbo Attorney General of the Supreme Court of the Province of Buenos Aires, issued Resolution No. 542/09, which established a minimum protocol action.
also stressed the importance of training of the operators involved in the issue, for the purpose of raising awareness and correct framing, to address situations that arise, armed with legal and constitutional tools existing.
Dra.Bernardita Zalisñak
It stressed the need to reflect on the causes and contexts surrounding these evil acts, creating also a feeling that help us to believe that reality is liable to be transformed with our action.
physical violence and sexual violence that is evident to any rudeness on the issues that bring us together (including kidnappings, torture, rape, and humiliation of all kinds to liberty and human dignity of victims of abuse, trafficking and human trafficking) is not made manifest in sheltered or come from the stratosphere, but arise from the bosom of our society.
The proposed methodology of nonviolence force us to reflect on the various forms of violence that is hidden or disguised with which we traversed each and every one of us and which generate a breeding ground for these grosser forms take place. It is necessary to overcome selfishness and individualism that we have installed in the core of our behavior, creating an attitude of every man for himself and if not I get my turn and I do not care, until I played, and that if I care but, as justified in my lack of solidarity, also justified in that attitude and rule out other possible even to ask for help.
Active nonviolence proposes to undertake jointly organized with others to overcome the various forms of violence. A good formula for this methodology is to treat others as we would like to be treated, recognizing one another and humanity itself constitutes us as beings endowed with intent, seeking to overcome the pain and suffering. This together with a coherence between feel, think and act in the same direction to strengthen us internally so we can deal with situations or phenomena more complex and painful. In this way we go creating another kind of society where there is no place for these aberrations that are repugnant to us.
is equally important to start thinking not only about violence but about the concept of sexuality that pervades our culture of repression, given the frequency with which they manifest this type of crime, and present even far more often still, within families, in our Western societies.
can not eradicate violence with more violence and revenge. You need to walk in an upward spiral where every turn we recognize the progress toward a truly human civilization, to exit definitively pre-history.
Dr. Andrade Country
can not reflect on the trafficking of women, girls and children for sexual exploitation without framing the debate in the analysis of gender constructions.
This construction is essentially based on inequality between women and men. Inequality that has put women in places of submission, invisibility, denial and violence.
unquestioned dominance of adult males has been shaped from patriarchy and deepening of the capitalist system has generated a violent oppression of women and (re) signifying the body women and children as objects.
As no object rights, as the object are one thing. Things are used, traded and discarded at the whim of the user. -
there is no prostitution. Without customers there is no prostitution
Dr. Alberto Funes
The current approach to the issue of the bicentenary two hundred years can not be done without a deep dark look back on impact and his participation in our country since before its birth as a nation and throughout the course of its history. Especially emphasized the source of two transnational organizations feature is operating in Buenos Aires and other cities (the milieu and the Zwi Migdal.) Highlighted - also - the urgent need to recover valuable models in the fight against crime syndicates these activities. In this regard committed and celebrated the heroic actions of two women drawing a historical parallel between Rachel Liberman (Direct victim is the decade of 20 and 30), and Susana Trimarco (vícitima indirect, mother of the missing Marita Veron, Tucumán, XXI Century .) Finally, highlights the persistence of slavery today .-
Rodrigo Peña
Journalism, and consumers news, must rethink how they work for social communication.
Regarding trafficking, the media continues to feel conservative, and inappropriate use terminology that confuses people, but not acting as agent prevention, but as a morbid entertainment, useless, and often the message sent is that human trafficking is a problem in which ordinary citizens can do nothing because their organizations are very powerful.
also the media should start calling things by their name, and avoid terms like "wiskería", "IBTS home" or "bar" when in fact relate to a brothel, which is prohibited by law, and may be potential buyers of women treated. In addition, newspapers in particular should keep better control classified ads, which often are false promises of jobs that end up "traps" for unemployed young people, and which also provide unscrupulous sexual services of women, including minors.
The role of journalism in particular, should be to investigate beyond the plain, to investigate the buyer, because there is because there are people willing to pay for slaves. And the pressure on the authorities to carry out specific policies to abolish these companies, which violate all human rights.
Bring out the existence of crime is another major task, because they often are the facts, but does not mention that this is a case of trafficking, and ultimately to prevention, and support to NGOs abductees seek
Police Officers Division Perrsonas Try
They referred to a change of mentality by police officers is needed a sharper through ongoing training and daily contact with Police society and NGOs, was passed to prosecute prostitutes in recent historical periods (considering contrevening des standards under date) to identify now what they are: victims of human rights violations and contribute to its protection other agencies, as they send the legislation (Palermo Protocol of 2000).
Police reported that there are over 100 brothels in the province of ER-(located at the length and breadth of the province, except in Ibicuy Islands).
speakers expressed the police to effectively combat prostitution (which it considers inextricably linked to the crimes of trafficking in persons) need strong support from the municipalities, the media, the legislature of the province and in general other branches of government. Joint resources is indispensable.
reference was made in the Department of Gualeguaychú had between 6 and 8 brothels. Thanks to strong political decision Belgrano people there is no brothel today. Mr Mayor Municipal Gualeguaychú, municipal decree book where the term intimate in 24 months should not be in the municipal ejido wiskerías, bowling night. Was banned from the penalty enabling this type of activity .- It is suggested by the municipal police authorities will follow this precedent and eradicate the places authorized via Ordinance as wiskeria, pools, or bowling night, in compliance 26364 law trafficking and victim assistance.
is reported to combat trafficking in persons was created in the field of Police of the Province of Entre Ríos Trafficking Division by order of the Chief of Police Province (dag n ° 35 August 2008), depending on the Investigating
Bruno Szlapozcnik
naturalize Stop Trafficking and warn young people about the dangers that exist about
organized to act against Trafficking.
"More respect for human rights work proposals for the common people."
together in teams join forces for better results.
"Do not let them keep stealing our hearts," is everyone's job.
More information, more education, more outreach.
"Do not look away, not hide, do not be afraid." Making a commitment and action.
"Resilience and awareness." More work proposals.
In the words of the Mayor, Cr Gustavo Bordet was inaugurated the meeting. During opening statement was read educational interest granted by the General Council of Education, was present the Chief of Police of the Province and the Dr.Bernardo Salduna, a member of Superior Court of Entre Ríos
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