Sunday, May 23, 2010

When Is It Too Late To Send An Email

Abuse, and Trafficking in Children, Adolescents and Youth Cultural Days is

Regional Preparatory Meeting of the First International Congress

"200 Years Later" Abuse, and Trafficking in Children, Adolescents and Youth is made Bicentennial under and in line with the Millennium Development Goals

Entre Ríos
June 3, 2010
Hotel Salto Grande, Urquiza No. 581 (Hall Mandarino)


9.00 pm. Opening .-

Coordinator: Rodolfo Jáuregui (UNL - ANNUAL)

9.30 pm. FIRST PANEL:

-Lucia Alberti (President of ANUA (Regional Director of United Nations Associations in Latin America)

-Bernadette Zaliszñak (Director, Humanist Center, Concordia) "Active Nonviolence out of Pre-Human History"

-Rodrigo Peña. (Journalist) "The role of the press, the good, the bad ... ideal, and real "

13.00. CUT ....

11, 00 hs. SECOND PANEL:

- Country Doc Marcela Alejandra Andrade (Doctor of Philosophy in the area of \u200b\u200bAnthropology. Coordinator of the research area of \u200b\u200bthe Autonomous University of Entre Rios in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences the Concord Regional Headquarters. UADER Teaching and the Faculty of Sciences Social Research Assistant UBA CONICET) "WHEN THE BODY IS AN OBJECT. TRAFFICKING OF WOMEN AND GIRLS WITH SEXUAL EXPLOITATION."

- Dr. Alberto Funes Palacios (Judge Guarantees, Concordia ER) - Trafficking in Persons. Beginning and now ".-


Third panel: 15.30 hs.

- Hernán Alarcón (Attorney)

- Police in the Province of Entre Rios

- 16.30 hs. Film Exhibition "Human Trafficking" Debate

coordinated by Bruno Szlapocznik (ANNUAL)

organize and sponsor institutions:

- Concordia Chief Police Dptal Province of E. Rivers

- Municipality of Concordia

- Humanist Center

- DD HH Secretariat of the Government of the Province of Entre Ríos

- Faculty of Law and Social Cs of

UNL - University of Salta.

- United Nations Associations Latin American

Objective: To distribute, internalize, to prevent possible situations of trafficking

.- Target audience: students, professionals, teachers, workers in the area of \u200b\u200bchildren and adolescents, employees, officers and magistrates, police, health workers, general public

For reports and registration:

Center Humanist: May 1, 236 - Tel 4220362 - or

To register must provide the following information:

full names and ID

Address Occupation

Phone / Cell E-mail

Attendance Certificates will be awarded


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