"Drought in funding for solar farms? Leo The Confidential that C. Ribas says that "the government comes out in support of Acciona and Iberdrola, and calls on banks not to fund more solar panels" I put the whole article and then give my opinion, mostly because last week I was talking to some boxes and banks on this issue.
socialist relations executive with Acciona, Entrecanales family property, which has just arrived in Endesa with Enel of Italy, are having a sweet moment. As one example: according to sources, Secretary of State for Energy, Ignasi Nieto , asked the country's largest banks at a recent meeting to stop finance photovoltaic projects, the known solar panels, which are increasingly numerous. This type of energy is one alternative, perhaps more importantly, the wind, a sector dominated by two of the most powerful and influential country, Acciona and Iberdrola.
most surprising thing about this meeting, on 24 July, was precisely that Nieto appeared together with a representative of one of the largest farms in the country, Esteban Morrás of Acciona. "The consequence of that meeting is that banks have shut the tap, and do not fund an operation and the sector stands," he told this newspaper solar industry sources. This newspaper has been in contact with Acciona, which has declined comment.
According to the production plans of this type of energy agreed with industry, the figure to produce up to 2010, 400 MW, is already nearly achieved this year. Therefore, before the extraordinary boom in the sector, which would affect the wind power because the stock of renewable energy is the same for all (more than less solar wind, and less business for Acciona and Iberdrola), industry would have pressured the bank to close the tap. "That's what I interpret, based on the outcome has been the meeting," said the president of a company with solar interests. Industry has responded to the call of this journal.
As you can see if you enter the link of the confidential've responded on the same page, but the brief that force you to be answered I could not explain the reasons to think otherwise Ribagorda the Lord. That is, banks provided financing will be assured that the projects they will enter the top 1200 MW. And the government can say mass. In fact I pointed to anteriridad that up to October 29, 2008 is unclear, says the RD 661/07 ...
Acciona, Acciona very strong interest in solar photovoltaic and is promoting numerous gardens, has a contract for supply of 40-plus MW of panels with Chinese firms (Yinglisolar), but I'm wrong. Besides a couple of years ago said it would invest between 2 or € 4 million (not remember) to investigate the conversion organic photovoltaic cells.
Iberdrola: Iberdrola 's relationship with solar is not as clear as Acciona. Iberdrola is No. 1 in wind and is betting big on the power of Waves (Santoña, Mutriku,), do not forget that the Scots are a power in wave energy. So do not bet on Iberdrola as photovoltaics so clearly.
Banks: As I said last week was "bank" and was able to interview and the location of the mouth of various risks and directors responsible for some cases and most active banks in the photovoltaic market. The conclusion I drew is that the tap was not cut "some even showed me an internal letter reperente this issue,"
The issue is clearly, there will be a reduction in premiums will cause the price of the panels, if the international demand permits, down. From my point of view the price of the panels has not decreased in 4 years, world production has increased several digits as well have moved to China, someone is making money and not to mortgage their panels for 10 years. ..