Some asteroids, however, have orbits beyond Saturn, others are closer to the Sun than Earth. Some have hit our planet. When they enter the atmosphere, light and become meteorites.
A asteroids are also called minor planets. The largest is Ceres, with 1,000 km in diameter. Then, Vesta and Pallas, 525. We found 16 that exceed the 240 km, and many small ones. Ida, the photo side, is about 115 km from tip to tip and Gaspra, below, is less than 35.
The ships that have sailed through the asteroid belt have shown that it is virtually empty and that the distances between each other are enormous.
The asteroid belt formed as a theory, from the destruction of a planet, a small planet. Should 2,500 times together asteroids known to have the mass of Earth.
According to another theory, a group of about 50 asteroids were formed with the rest of the Solar System. Afterward, the crashes have been fragmented.
Within the belt there are gaps, areas where an asteroid rotates, because of the influence of Jupiter, the closest giant planet.
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