The hearings, which will last three days have warmed the atmosphere in the state capital, Topeka, where supporters and opponents of a duel open Darwin dispute, which according to the first game is on the divide between science and religion and, as the second, critical thinking.
British scientist critics, led by the movement "Intelligent Design" - want textbooks to question Darwinism, especially the idea that man, monkey and other animals have common ancestors.
In contrast, followers of Darwin believe that science has nothing to do with a debate after which, they say, lies the growing influence of the religious right in this country. Harris
Darwin defends the idea that the mechanisms "adapt and respond to the environment in which they live", but not the principle that "man is an accident."
"The idea that different forms of life come from a common ancestor and are the result of a natural, unplanned process is not supported by science," said Harris.
Intelligent Design theory was born in Seattle's Discovery Institute, a conservative center opened in 1990 and counts among its founders Bruce Chapman, director of the U.S. census for the administration of President Ronald Reagan (1981 - 1989).
Scientists Discovery Institute's claim that neo-Darwinism does not answer such complex mechanisms such as cell structure, which can only be the work of an "intelligent designer."
Given the "gaps" that attribute to Darwinism, Intelligent Design proposes that the textbooks do a "critical analysis" of evolution, which "should be presented as a scientific theory open to scrutiny and not as an unquestionable dogma."
Although not yet clear how this conflict will be resolved, Darwin has survived similar attacks in the past.
Creationists, a group that supports the biblical view that God created the world in six days about 6,000 years ago, have lashed out repeatedly against Darwin.
In 1987 the U.S. Supreme Court banned creationism be taught in biology classes, since it is pseudoscientific, and coined the movement as a "religious dogma."
Unlike creationists, Intelligent Design says that his theory is agnostic, which gives them a crucial advantage over creationism, the potential to facilitate access to science classes, where they want to derail Darwinism.
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