All that stuff was eons recombining, merging, transforming with the help of chaos and chance, gradually forming elementary particles and eventually coming to the consolidation of entire galaxies.
The infinite combinations likely allowed the conjugation of some blocks of biological molecules that gave the near-miraculous phenomenon of life, become almost zero and rare in this universe, another great evolutionary event allowed the emergence of what is now called "intelligent life"
This intelligence has envisaged two destinations:
A) The expansion will continue until the energy from that explosion Primal is depleted and slowly but imminently all the stars are off, resulting then a universe without life, no light, no new stars being born, no new possibilities
B) The expansion will continue until the ring and allow gravity to reverse that effect of forward and start a throwback, a BIG CRUCH, a return of all to a single point, to this tiny cluster that ever existed.
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