can not escape any electromagnetic radiation or light, so they're black.
are surrounded by a "border" sphere that allows light to enter but not exit.
There are two types of black holes, bodies of high density and low mass concentrated in a small space, and bodies of low density but very large mass, as happens in the centers of galaxies.
If the mass of a star is more than twice that of the Sun, there comes a point in its cycle in which no neutrons can only withstand gravity. The star collapses and becomes a black hole.
If a component of a binary star becomes a black hole, taking material from its companion. When the vortex is close to the hole, it moves so fast that emits X-rays So, although you can not see, can be detected by their effects on nearby matter
Black holes are not eternal. Although not leak any radiation, it seems they can do some atomic and subatomic particles.
someone who observes the formation of a black hole from the outside would see a shrinking star and red until finally disappear. Its gravitational influence, however, continue unchanged.
Like the Big Bang, black holes there is a singularity, ie the laws of physics and the predictive power fail. Consequently, no outside observer can see what happens inside.
The equations that attempt to explain a singularity of black holes must take into account the space and time. The singularities were consistently in the past the observer (like the Big Bang) or in the future (such as gravitational collapses.) This hypothesis is known as the "cosmic censorship."
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