Saturday, July 30, 2005
Funny Wedding Invitation And Rhyme
As gum. I like to chew gum as I like to eat sea urchins, only every two months. This time as cinnamon gum, but I got bored. I that he change it for a cigarette, I do not like chewing gum and smoking at the same time.
in my house I found a magazine called Style. Then I discovered it was just a special edition of a magazine as Man. In this special edition appears karate of La Granja and the journalist who cry when Chile won the tennis gold medal at the last Olympics, Sobalarrieta or something. Zero style truth, the only men's magazine Esquire is relatively good.
Finally throw the gum, now lit a cigarette. I read a mail from Panchi, need help for a tech article in the journal Paula . I must give me time to think about writing shit, I thought of applying What Women Want and shave, but I think it is sooooo good option. Me tinca speaketh the iPod .
time ago on a trip by plane touched me aisle seat, the seat of the running of the center was a gringa in her thirties with wonderful legs listening to his iPod Rosado. Gave him points in my scale sezual that detail, until you apply zoom and listened I realized that country.
The iPod is more fashionable than functional, mp3 players are better and cheaper, but does not give the touch NYC.
I have finished the cigarette, it would be everything.
Friday, July 29, 2005
Panoramic Frames 38.25 X 11.25
Cheek Dual Boot
Finally ready my review. It hurt to make a pseudo negative criticism, but in the end I owe to my readers. You can read the review the Radeon X800XL 512MB here.
I feel better. Although not received the types of VTR / Metropolis, my internet magically back to life, just brought me nostalgic for the modem, but the convenience of internet 24 / 7 is unsurpassed. I also feel better health Hoydia
xD I brought a new device. It's the prettiest girl AMD. Luckily comes ready to rock up to the operating system.
Monday it must pass to Nico to make the appropriate testings. For while I'm trying out some nonsense and posting from. In our office visit AMD also brought us another jueguetito but that I can not speak, as the international launch for the next week and we are under NDA / embargo.
I sent to Felipe aka Amenadiel, the link today the most famous blog Chile. Decided that we should invite to take a few tufts Roberto author. I feel the same, we will contact during the week. He still does not know lol, if you read this, pretend you do not read. Following
ChileHardware , today saw the first armed preview of the new design. It's pretty good, still with the conventional line of the site, clear that this time adds a lot more professional. It is not so difficult if the current design is nearly Paintbrush, but I liked. Hopefully try it out as soon as possible. Salu2
and Luck: D
Finally ready my review. It hurt to make a pseudo negative criticism, but in the end I owe to my readers. You can read the review the Radeon X800XL 512MB here.
I feel better. Although not received the types of VTR / Metropolis, my internet magically back to life, just brought me nostalgic for the modem, but the convenience of internet 24 / 7 is unsurpassed. I also feel better health Hoydia
xD I brought a new device. It's the prettiest girl AMD. Luckily comes ready to rock up to the operating system.
AMD Athlon64 X2 4800 + Toledo

I sent to Felipe aka Amenadiel, the link today the most famous blog Chile. Decided that we should invite to take a few tufts Roberto author. I feel the same, we will contact during the week. He still does not know lol, if you read this, pretend you do not read. Following
ChileHardware , today saw the first armed preview of the new design. It's pretty good, still with the conventional line of the site, clear that this time adds a lot more professional. It is not so difficult if the current design is nearly Paintbrush, but I liked. Hopefully try it out as soon as possible. Salu2
and Luck: D
Replacement Usb For Logitech R-rb5 Presenter
The Cold
Me sick. After 3 years undefeated me sick. Last night after writing the blog I went to bed, I had some chills but I got the crazy. I saw some television and I started to feel sick, then they gave me nausea and shivering. I could not get out of bed because of shivering, cold, very cold. Wait until 7 am that someone would wake up and yell for help. I brought an extra blanket, a couple of aspirin and slept. I slept all day, I remember someone I take the temperature, something like 40 degrees, but could be a dream.
woke at 10 pm, and I felt bad but it was fully transpired. I change clothes, take soup and I am here. Unable to sleep, if I slept almost 14 hours straight. I feel better, I have no mouth but I have a horrible heat.
I smoke a Parliament, take Coca-Cola, check the mail, went to the bathroom. Bored? Absolutely. I am no mood, not hungry, sleepless and bored. When you're bored eating, sleeping or watching television. Television is no longer entertains me, I see only Myth Busters, racing cars or programs and I have become addicted to golf. Every time I look over to my father, I hope that is good.
On Tuesday I had lunch stand, pizza ByM , ate at the Santiago Park Plaza together to PR for AMD . Tomorrow I get together with Marcel and Rick to schedule some reviews in the morning, will probably pass. If I feel good maybe have lunch with Magdalena, my amigui that has the DFI account . JP Also, my boss / partner should ChileHardware publishing my last review. This will be the penultimate review to do for the next few months. I dedicate to the business side of the site, which is more compatible with my university life.
Me sick. After 3 years undefeated me sick. Last night after writing the blog I went to bed, I had some chills but I got the crazy. I saw some television and I started to feel sick, then they gave me nausea and shivering. I could not get out of bed because of shivering, cold, very cold. Wait until 7 am that someone would wake up and yell for help. I brought an extra blanket, a couple of aspirin and slept. I slept all day, I remember someone I take the temperature, something like 40 degrees, but could be a dream.
woke at 10 pm, and I felt bad but it was fully transpired. I change clothes, take soup and I am here. Unable to sleep, if I slept almost 14 hours straight. I feel better, I have no mouth but I have a horrible heat.
I smoke a Parliament, take Coca-Cola, check the mail, went to the bathroom. Bored? Absolutely. I am no mood, not hungry, sleepless and bored. When you're bored eating, sleeping or watching television. Television is no longer entertains me, I see only Myth Busters, racing cars or programs and I have become addicted to golf. Every time I look over to my father, I hope that is good.
On Tuesday I had lunch stand, pizza ByM , ate at the Santiago Park Plaza together to PR for AMD . Tomorrow I get together with Marcel and Rick to schedule some reviews in the morning, will probably pass. If I feel good maybe have lunch with Magdalena, my amigui that has the DFI account . JP Also, my boss / partner should ChileHardware publishing my last review. This will be the penultimate review to do for the next few months. I dedicate to the business side of the site, which is more compatible with my university life.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Running Technical Shirts
Monopolies are not
I've been gone and it is something that has been on holiday as I'd like. The hdp great Metropolis Intercom / VTR I have had no internet for 5 days and today most recent auction I was told that could come Sunday. Take action on the matter, dust an old modem I had thrown in the closet, I just started joining three telephone wires and then connect to 40kbps. At least I can check my mail and browser something.
I think I should study the issue and change of company: (
I've been gone and it is something that has been on holiday as I'd like. The hdp great Metropolis Intercom / VTR I have had no internet for 5 days and today most recent auction I was told that could come Sunday. Take action on the matter, dust an old modem I had thrown in the closet, I just started joining three telephone wires and then connect to 40kbps. At least I can check my mail and browser something.
I think I should study the issue and change of company: (
Monday, July 25, 2005
Clipart Of Car Radiator
Playstation Portable is on fire
This is certainly a gadget that everyone should have. The Playstation Portable or PSP is really sexy brings WiFi, HD wide screen, support for Memory Stick Duo and now for Browser Internet capabilities. A small detail is that in addition is the most powerful portable console market.
The last and only time I saw a PSP owner had them Gamers Mexico. I say those, because the bastard did not have one, but two. Well try to connect via WiFi in the hotel where we were to test their skills browsing and fail in the attempt. That was the only thing that I refrain from buying it, if he had guessed the future I would regret.
The solution was simple, no one could. But from next week if it may, Ken Kutaragi, chief executive of SCE, said just enough to download a patch pair such a feat. To make matters worse launched a PSP will also be blank, but only for the Japanese market. If you manage to get stay away from me, probably threatens your life.
The last and only time I saw a PSP owner had them Gamers Mexico. I say those, because the bastard did not have one, but two. Well try to connect via WiFi in the hotel where we were to test their skills browsing and fail in the attempt. That was the only thing that I refrain from buying it, if he had guessed the future I would regret.
The solution was simple, no one could. But from next week if it may, Ken Kutaragi, chief executive of SCE, said just enough to download a patch pair such a feat. To make matters worse launched a PSP will also be blank, but only for the Japanese market. If you manage to get stay away from me, probably threatens your life.
Best Birthday Spots In Bangalore
not have to be rich to be
all know that a 32mb Pendrive serves only to your grandmother. We also know that a 1GB flash drive is quite expensive. There is a cheaper and better solution, I present El Cheapo's LapDrive .
For 55 Lucas, a little less than 100 dollars you can make a portable storage device the size of a credit card with 20GB capacity.
Case + 2.5 "laptop that Power shall
USB + Notebook Hard Drive
Just disarm case, plug the hard drive and voila! You earn points for being a consummate technosexual. It is important that the case is powered from USB port of the laptop contario goes to the garbage bin. I should also clarify that the write times are slower, but nothing that is not compensated by the enormous storage El Cheapo's LapDrive provides. Next time you see your friend sexy pilot with a 4GB flash drive that brought the USA, you can say "Who's the bitch now!".
El Cheapo's LapDrive is a trademark of the troubled mind of the author this blog. Patent pending.
For 55 Lucas, a little less than 100 dollars you can make a portable storage device the size of a credit card with 20GB capacity.
Case + 2.5 "laptop that Power shall
USB + Notebook Hard Drive
Just disarm case, plug the hard drive and voila! You earn points for being a consummate technosexual. It is important that the case is powered from USB port of the laptop contario goes to the garbage bin. I should also clarify that the write times are slower, but nothing that is not compensated by the enormous storage El Cheapo's LapDrive provides. Next time you see your friend sexy pilot with a 4GB flash drive that brought the USA, you can say "Who's the bitch now!".
El Cheapo's LapDrive is a trademark of the troubled mind of the author this blog. Patent pending.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Mujeres Foyando Conanimales
Fashion Tech technosexual September
This shirt is just great. Gringos me as commercially exploit any episode to make your merchandising which then pass into oblivion. This notion shirt makes the episode "Hot Coffee" mod for the game XXX Rockstar Games, GTA San Andreas. If you apply to a suit jacket wing usadisimo homeless, jeans and white sneakers, do not stop flirting.
Ideal for formal meetings or hands-free, cornofono-eighties to plug in your phone. Estilazo to go to meetings in a Jaguar XJ-6 eighties. You can also hire a Mercedes Benz 300SE but only if you go with a driver. But I think the best use is to hold the phone in your pocket and walk around Sanhattan talking about something that seems to be important. Sanhattan yuppies beware, the cornofono-80 is the new Motorola Razr .
"Stop laughing, computers are cool now."
Ideal for formal meetings or hands-free, cornofono-eighties to plug in your phone. Estilazo to go to meetings in a Jaguar XJ-6 eighties. You can also hire a Mercedes Benz 300SE but only if you go with a driver. But I think the best use is to hold the phone in your pocket and walk around Sanhattan talking about something that seems to be important. Sanhattan yuppies beware, the cornofono-80 is the new Motorola Razr .
Prior Drug Use Army Ocs
Off Topic:
me this captivating this blog, is highly addictive and a good way to download.

This picture was forgotten, it was during the roadshow for AMD in Chile, where we gave them a hand and help with the assembly shop and then answer some questions. On the right is Felipe aka Amenadiel at his most serious and left me. (The bowl is sold separately)
Off Topic:
me this captivating this blog, is highly addictive and a good way to download.
Program My Star Choice Remote For My Tv
AMD Roadshow and advancement of the week.
This week will be well moved in ChileHardware will publish the first review of a product designed for Intel. The results and the review are very interesting, I really love the work of Nico (BONT) as a reviewer.
also has been a new review of reports, this time is the turn of Buffalo. BONT is pike and ran them as test found. The most important are the games we can draw conclusions latencies shocking.
also probably later this week will be posted a roundup of sinks for A64 and personally I start to write a review. The only thing that stops me is that I can assemble my computer since that morning and change the motherboard. Tomorrow will be a busy day, I go to the office of JP to let some things go to the office looking for DFI motherboard, go to college to make some paperwork, I have a reunion with a hardware store and in the afternoon with the PR people of AMD .
On the design side we decided to change the format of the graphics, we are occupying the same software that occupies Anand, this gives a lot more professional touch to the site. It is not the only improvement we are making in CHW, we also have a designer working on a new face.
Finally I leave the link of two weblogs worthy to read and follow (Inglés only):
+ Anna Filatova's Blog (My love, platonic and honcho X-bit Labs ) Anand Al
+ Shimpi's Blog (The Godfather of the new school informatico journalism)
also has been a new review of reports, this time is the turn of Buffalo. BONT is pike and ran them as test found. The most important are the games we can draw conclusions latencies shocking.
also probably later this week will be posted a roundup of sinks for A64 and personally I start to write a review. The only thing that stops me is that I can assemble my computer since that morning and change the motherboard. Tomorrow will be a busy day, I go to the office of JP to let some things go to the office looking for DFI motherboard, go to college to make some paperwork, I have a reunion with a hardware store and in the afternoon with the PR people of AMD .
On the design side we decided to change the format of the graphics, we are occupying the same software that occupies Anand, this gives a lot more professional touch to the site. It is not the only improvement we are making in CHW, we also have a designer working on a new face.
Finally I leave the link of two weblogs worthy to read and follow (Inglés only):
+ Anna Filatova's Blog (My love, platonic and honcho X-bit Labs ) Anand Al
+ Shimpi's Blog (The Godfather of the new school informatico journalism)
Celiac Cell Disease Nurse Care Plan
Full Computer Multimedia / Internec
I think we put together a A64 754 for very little money:
AMD Athlon64 2800 + Newcastle 754 USD 60,000 (used)
Asus K8N nForce3 250gb $ 54,000 ( Bip )
Hitachi SATA II 80gb $ 45,500 (BYM)
Thermaltake Silent Boost $ 13,900 ( ByM )
Corsair ValueRAM 512MB $ 37,900 (Sistemax)
(Work in progress)
I think we put together a A64 754 for very little money:
AMD Athlon64 2800 + Newcastle 754 USD 60,000 (used)
Asus K8N nForce3 250gb $ 54,000 ( Bip )
Hitachi SATA II 80gb $ 45,500 (BYM)
Thermaltake Silent Boost $ 13,900 ( ByM )
Corsair ValueRAM 512MB $ 37,900 (Sistemax)
(Work in progress)
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Old Do You Have Buy Vibertaor
Yesterday we were in Santiago doing paperwork and then went back to the secret workshop in record time, play some more with dry ice returned to leave some parts of my house and then out to taxi. We did not make anything new, but we gain experience Socket mount, isolation and we decided to voltmodear an Infinity.
The reel was pretty good, elite but hey, at the home of Rancid that was applied to vary their tables of cheese produced and a truckload of pisco. Lying if I said I did not take to the water in the vase, we laugh and then I became fed up relatively early to bed to end in my house. I slept very bad because I'm staying in my apartment invaded my grandparents who are passing through Chile, to live alone to sleep on the floor apparently there is a long way. My brother woke up early because he went to Mendoza so I slept a while in his bed that goes a lot better, a raised take all the water and an aspirin would fit me later and was improved the situation. My grandfather
pit and invited us to lunch in Bilbao Eladio Americo Vespucio. Was half as complicated apply Pisco Sour, it's always better to be half cooked to elongation. The lunch was very very good, they let me choose the wine and I apply with a Misiones de Rengo Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve and ate beef sausage. Knockeart in between I found was in the traditional lunch with Rigel (an old, quite a character and was nominated for the Nobel Prize as father of the century) remains the same as always, saw him years ago. Deserved lunch nap, but naps suck me in the night I regret it, it's farewell to be Canela exchange to Barcelona and no doubt will be the Grand Slam of tomato. When pulling the house through the window in question, this weon expertise.
I have to assemble my computer, my brother's computer is a mess and this time I do it fix it. Luckily it's time to retire him and'll send my little brother. I think putting together a A64 for Pepe, will be a waste of Flash games and cheesy emoticons on MSN, but at least it may take up decently.
Primer Temperature Calculator
Giants Saturday Mercury is a disaster
Too bad when a journalist writes about a topic that dominates. In today's article on page A26 of The Mercury talk about new products from nVidia and ATI (Crossfire, SLI, 7800GTX and R520). Can waste time reading the paper or laughing here. First
committed a blunder by referring on the 7800GTX and 7800PRO. Do not explain very well that the technologies are discussed and finally quote some comments from a forum on the cards. A month ago, send mail to The Mercury offers information on the 7800GTX and that should make an article about it, however obvious and received no response. I think if Esteffan Gabriel, journalist in charge of this article were taken by a little information about it had reached someone who could have assisted in this area. Find the maximum turpitude not know even the name of the product which they speak.
The only positive of this is given to them by Steve Koch and tribune of nVidia Rosangela Lopes ATI and respectively and have been able to say something at least on its news. Steve's comment I found it very solid, the guy I know and know fully what it sells, plus talk to a released product and is quite comfortable. "We think that imitation is the sincerest form of flatter. The nVidia SLI technology available in the market for some time. Crossfire is a press release oslo, short and precise truth Crossfire technology exists only in the ATI labs, are not yet available even for tech sites (well, the biggest if, as Anandtech and THG). SLI is a proven formula, but has room for improvement at the level of drivers, is inserted in the market.
Rosangela, PR Manager of ATI Technologies , who also had the opportunity to meet a few weeks ago, was in his hands tied, it is very difficult to talk about a product (R520) that does not yet exist. Especially when you still have trips to manufacturing level due to low yields and had not yet decided on the final architecture of R520.
The battle has just begun and El Mercurio are invited, but did not know or know take up arms.
committed a blunder by referring on the 7800GTX and 7800PRO. Do not explain very well that the technologies are discussed and finally quote some comments from a forum on the cards. A month ago, send mail to The Mercury offers information on the 7800GTX and that should make an article about it, however obvious and received no response. I think if Esteffan Gabriel, journalist in charge of this article were taken by a little information about it had reached someone who could have assisted in this area. Find the maximum turpitude not know even the name of the product which they speak.
The only positive of this is given to them by Steve Koch and tribune of nVidia Rosangela Lopes ATI and respectively and have been able to say something at least on its news. Steve's comment I found it very solid, the guy I know and know fully what it sells, plus talk to a released product and is quite comfortable. "We think that imitation is the sincerest form of flatter. The nVidia SLI technology available in the market for some time. Crossfire is a press release oslo, short and precise truth Crossfire technology exists only in the ATI labs, are not yet available even for tech sites (well, the biggest if, as Anandtech and THG). SLI is a proven formula, but has room for improvement at the level of drivers, is inserted in the market.
Rosangela, PR Manager of ATI Technologies , who also had the opportunity to meet a few weeks ago, was in his hands tied, it is very difficult to talk about a product (R520) that does not yet exist. Especially when you still have trips to manufacturing level due to low yields and had not yet decided on the final architecture of R520.
The battle has just begun and El Mercurio are invited, but did not know or know take up arms.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Japaness Electric Tourure
Insert your title here
At last came the DFI LanParty NF4 SLI, even if it is not SLI-D or SLI-DR but for the purposes that need not matter. Vine is now in, we go to look for but increasingly petty cash is more girl and we have to choose between gasoline and ice. Guess we chose: D
So I'll have to wait until Monday, this time I may have to throw the ice in one mission, and that LG (aka Guy) goes on vacation.
Hoydia came to Santiago to transact several (Gym, bank, meetings, etc ...) and when I get home I expected a surprise box in the lobby. OCZ comes and brings many gifts for our users, so stay tuned to ChileHardware we should launch the contest in the afternoon.
Finally, we die by the project were linked from other national sites and today I received congratulations from the headquarters of DFI.
So I'll have to wait until Monday, this time I may have to throw the ice in one mission, and that LG (aka Guy) goes on vacation.
Hoydia came to Santiago to transact several (Gym, bank, meetings, etc ...) and when I get home I expected a surprise box in the lobby. OCZ comes and brings many gifts for our users, so stay tuned to ChileHardware we should launch the contest in the afternoon.
Finally, we die by the project were linked from other national sites and today I received congratulations from the headquarters of DFI.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Sample Thank You For Funeral
repeat the feat in search of the Chilean record only that we lack, 3DMark01. For now I leave you with some results of the afternoon session, soon makes a full report to put in CHW.
SuperPi 1M
Finally I want to thank MZ of I advise and present the tube for this experiment. We also invite you to participate in the ranking Chilehardware SuperPi 2M.
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