Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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comparison with the German photovoltaic

Imagine for a moment that owns Seat Volkswagen, Seat that has absolute power to make and unmake in Volkswagen. Firing, hiring, buying and selling in the Volkswagen. You would say I'm crazy, and you are right. Do you know why? Simply because they are better. And we have just demonstrated.

Not only do we sell the most cars we drive and control our latest car manufacturer, but we also sell the majority of solar energy equipment is installed in our country and soon will take over our businesses. And again why?. So smart they are? No, just that we are more stupid, which makes us worse, or better, we make them better.

Germany is the world's most powerful photovoltaic solar energy, besides exporting country in there. Why not try to seem just a little to them? And if we compare the conditions that foster solar PV fixing the new regulatory framework with those of our 1578/2008 we realize that their conditions are much better and that will take the upper hand in this sector. Compare it:

These fares are valid for 20 years and decrease by 8% -10% annually for new installations. Compared with the 25 years that offers English legislation and the updating of the tariffs according to the installed capacity in the previous period. Honestly I do not dare to venture what system is better in this respect.

But what really makes them good is its quota system, which is the best. Is just 3 to 5 times higher than the English and reflects real power that had been installed in the country Germany. They are based on, to reduce costs a% of the facility each year and you can install whatever you want (up to 1900 MW per year) and so enrich our country.

We do not, we always so shortsighted. Not to say that the rule is late, creating uncertainty and making 600 MW installed in the air.

In its day, the end of 2007, and we asked to adopt the German model n, and also compared with the proposed Asif is clear that what we saw in 2007 these people logically neither sees him nor in retrospect ... in order.

Anyway. Greetings to everyone.

Monday, September 29, 2008

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Spanish Royal Decree 1578/2008 New

After many months of uncertainty , of tense waiting, speculating many numbers and has published the Royal Decree "PV" that mark the evolution of this sector.

I put the link to download , then a small sum, and end, as always, comments.

Types of facilities:

a) Type I. Facilities that are located on roofs or facades of buildings fixed, closed, made of materials tough, devoted to residential uses, services, commercial or industrial, including agricultural character. Or, facilities that are located on fixed structures which seek to support use of covered parking or shade, in both cases, areas dedicated to one of the previous uses, and they are located in an urban cadastral reference plot .

such facilities are grouped, in turn, into two subtypes: Type

I.1: Type I facilities, with an output exceeding 20 kW
I.2 Type: Type I facilities, with an output exceeding 20 kW

b) Type II. Facilities not included in the type I above.


a) Type I: 267 / m MW, allocated as follows: 10 percent

for subtype
I.1 and 90 percent for the subtype I.2.

b) Type II: 133 / m MW.

In accordance with transitional provision of the Royal Decree 1578-1508:

1. Fixing for the type II, a special additional power quotas for calls for the years 2009 and 2010, 100 / m and 60 MW / m MW, respectively, by invitation, where m is the number of annual calls for the convening .

2. These additional slots are not affected by increases or decreases that may be apply to the power bases in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.3 of the Royal Decree.

art. 5. 3. "The power base calls for the second successive year and is calculated by reference to the power base of each type and subtype of the calls last year by increasing or decreasing in the same cumulative percentage rate increase is reduced or , respectively, pay for the calls held during the previous year, in accordance with Article 11 of this Royal Decree. "

* m: the number of calls per year for the establishment of the Registration of pre-allocation of pay, in accordance with the provisions of Annex III of the Royal Decree 1978/2008 of 26 September. Raw


- 34 cents for Facility Type I.1 with an output exceeding 20 kW

- 32 cents per kilowatt hour (KWh) for Facility Type I.2, with a power greater than 20 kW that are located on roofs or facades of buildings fixed, closed, made of strong materials, dedicated to residential uses, services, commercial or industrial, including agricultural character.
Or, facilities that are located on fixed structures that have support intended use of covered parking or shade, in both cases, areas dedicated to one of the previous uses, and they are located in an urban cadastral reference plot.

- 32 cents per kilowatt hour (KWh) for Type I.2 facilities that are not included in the Type I.1


is clear that the main reason for this Royal Decree is to stop PV industry growth so it can not escape the control of the current cartel and distribution of electricity; generation. I think the quotas can reason, but I think they are bad provided as photovoltaics make in energy without the possibility of providing electricity to the population in a massive way.

After Sept. 26, Spain (English citizens) are a little further away from energy independence.

Friday, September 12, 2008

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Defend photovoltaic solar photovoltaic with Greenpeace

Call to defend photovoltaics in the common sense to the world. Greenpeace takes to ciberactuar llamamieto. It's easy and simple. Defend sustainable progress, quality employment, employment with ethical sense. Defends the good. -------------------------------------------------

Help us defend the solar energy. The government wants to issue a decree that would slow the rapid dry growth that is taking the photovoltaic solar energy in our country. Do not let it. We need solutions to climate change.

Ciberactúa and in defense of clean energy!

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Monday, August 18, 2008

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The great adventure of physics now is to find a formulation that combines the two great theories of science: relativity and quantum mechanics. When attempting to unify these theories, the solutions become infinite, ie, they are not renormalizable. From Einstein to Hawking, to Edward Witten, attempts have been futile. Is the superstring theory, a very complex mathematical structure, which gets one. Until you experience with it is achieved, scientists can not give its approval, and it takes so much energy to get it more than likely not be achieved until several centuries.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

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gravity theories of Newton and Einstein are different. The discrepancies between theory and observation were resolved and the theory of universal gravitation Newton was accepted until replaced in 1915 by the theory of general relativity of Einstein, which is consistent with that of Newton in the domain in which all bodies move very slowly compared with the speed of light. In the solar system, planets and satellites travel at speeds of tens of kilometers per second, while the speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second. Einsteinian corrections to Newton's theory are thus practically negligible, and can only be detected in a very small number of observations. Einstein's theory has passed all the tests that have been subjected.

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Wormholes arise as solutions to the equations of Einstein's general theory of relativity when applied to black holes. Do arise as and easily followed in this context that some theorists are inclined to believe that eventually be found or manufactured counterparts and, perhaps, be used to travel faster than light speed.
The theory of wormholes goes back to 1916, shortly after Einstein published his general theory, when Ludwig Flamm, a Viennese physicist known, was set in the simplest way possible and theoretical black hole - black hole Schwarzschild - and discovered that Einstein's equations allow a second solution, now known as a white hole, which is connected to the input of the black hole through a pipe the spacetime. The "entry" of the black hole and "exit" white hole could be in different parts of the universe or in different universes. In 1935, Einstein and Nathan Rosen further explored the theory of connections intra-or inter-universe in a presentation (1) whose purpose was to explain fundamental particles such as electrons, in terms of space-time tunnels by lines of electric force. This led to the formal name Einstein-Rosen bridge which later the physicist John Wheeler would refer to as "wormhole" (he also coined the term "black hole" and "quantum foam").

Friday, August 15, 2008

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When we are talking about a "singularity", we are planning a mass with volume zero gravity surrounded by a border called "event horizon" from which nothing can escape. For there to be a black hole, somewhere must have a singularity and, for that to happen, must be enclosed on the outside by an event horizon, which means in essence that can not be seen from the outside the same singularity . Specifically, it means that there is a region unable to send signals to the outside infinity. The boundary of this region is what we call as the event horizon.

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If the universe had shore, what would be next?, But first let's look at the meaning of the universe.
Universe: The set of all existence. Both large-scale structure of the universe as there are questions about their origin, and possible future developments are considered by cosmology. The universe contains galaxies, clusters of galaxies and larger structures called superclusters of galaxies, black holes, asteroids, comets, meteors, etc ....
closed universe models, open and flat, are as main feature of evolution: the universe changes with time. The closed model expands over time from a superdense original point. But unlike the current model, it has enough matter to stop the expansion before it reaches to infinity, that is, the subject released outside loses its speed from the time of the explosion, so that galaxies come to a halt in some instant.

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Big Bang theory postulates that the early universe was in a tiny cluster of matter exploded and expanded to anything known in knowable space.
All that stuff was eons recombining, merging, transforming with the help of chaos and chance, gradually forming elementary particles and eventually coming to the consolidation of entire galaxies.
The infinite combinations likely allowed the conjugation of some blocks of biological molecules that gave the near-miraculous phenomenon of life, become almost zero and rare in this universe, another great evolutionary event allowed the emergence of what is now called "intelligent life"
This intelligence has envisaged two destinations:
A) The expansion will continue until the energy from that explosion Primal is depleted and slowly but imminently all the stars are off, resulting then a universe without life, no light, no new stars being born, no new possibilities
B) The expansion will continue until the ring and allow gravity to reverse that effect of forward and start a throwback, a BIG CRUCH, a return of all to a single point, to this tiny cluster that ever existed.

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are bodies with an extraordinarily large gravitational field.
can not escape any electromagnetic radiation or light, so they're black.
are surrounded by a "border" sphere that allows light to enter but not exit.
There are two types of black holes, bodies of high density and low mass concentrated in a small space, and bodies of low density but very large mass, as happens in the centers of galaxies.
If the mass of a star is more than twice that of the Sun, there comes a point in its cycle in which no neutrons can only withstand gravity. The star collapses and becomes a black hole.
If a component of a binary star becomes a black hole, taking material from its companion. When the vortex is close to the hole, it moves so fast that emits X-rays So, although you can not see, can be detected by their effects on nearby matter
Black holes are not eternal. Although not leak any radiation, it seems they can do some atomic and subatomic particles.
someone who observes the formation of a black hole from the outside would see a shrinking star and red until finally disappear. Its gravitational influence, however, continue unchanged.
Like the Big Bang, black holes there is a singularity, ie the laws of physics and the predictive power fail. Consequently, no outside observer can see what happens inside.
The equations that attempt to explain a singularity of black holes must take into account the space and time. The singularities were consistently in the past the observer (like the Big Bang) or in the future (such as gravitational collapses.) This hypothesis is known as the "cosmic censorship."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

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Six spacecraft flew by Comet Halley in 1986. There were two spacecraft, Suisei and Sakigake, which took off from Japan, two spacecraft Vega 1 and 2 calls that took off from the Soviet Union, and a spacecraft, ICE, which took off from the U.S., and that he altered course to I could intercept the comet. ICE was the last spacecraft to enter the environment the comet. However, the primary mission to comet Halley was the Giotto mission, a mission sponsored by the European Space Agency. Missions
All samples collected from different regions of the environment of the comet, as seen in this picture. The Giotto spacecraft flew close to the nucleus, and won several wonderful photographs of the core. All these missions gathered a wealth of information from the comet.

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These stars appear suddenly and only a few are visible to the naked eye showing remarkable and striking lines.
The most famous of all Halley's comet, which occurs every 76 years. This comet is named after the astronomer E. Halley, who could verify that their appearances were regular from previous observational records, Halley had observed "his" comet in 1682 and predicted its return for 1758.
has been possible to determine the earliest known observation of Comet Halley is the year 467 BC. His latest passage near the sun came in February 1986 and the next will occur in 2062.
All comets are part of the Solar System, and some of them very elongated elliptical orbits that their periods of revolution are very long, tens or hundreds of years.
observed each year from one to two dozen comets passing near the Sun, but even in these conditions of proximity, only occasionally a comet becomes bright enough to be seen with the naked eye without the aid of a telescope.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

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are a series of rocky or metallic objects that orbit the Sun, mostly in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Some asteroids, however, have orbits beyond Saturn, others are closer to the Sun than Earth. Some have hit our planet. When they enter the atmosphere, light and become meteorites.
A asteroids are also called minor planets. The largest is Ceres, with 1,000 km in diameter. Then, Vesta and Pallas, 525. We found 16 that exceed the 240 km, and many small ones. Ida, the photo side, is about 115 km from tip to tip and Gaspra, below, is less than 35.
The ships that have sailed through the asteroid belt have shown that it is virtually empty and that the distances between each other are enormous.
The asteroid belt formed as a theory, from the destruction of a planet, a small planet. Should 2,500 times together asteroids known to have the mass of Earth.
According to another theory, a group of about 50 asteroids were formed with the rest of the Solar System. Afterward, the crashes have been fragmented.
Within the belt there are gaps, areas where an asteroid rotates, because of the influence of Jupiter, the closest giant planet.

Monday, August 4, 2008

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The Blind Watchmaker

If Charles Darwin would be turning in his So his theory of evolution today is subjected to trial in Kansas (USA) in a series of Education Committee hearings on the future the teaching of evolution in the state.
The hearings, which will last three days have warmed the atmosphere in the state capital, Topeka, where supporters and opponents of a duel open Darwin dispute, which according to the first game is on the divide between science and religion and, as the second, critical thinking.
British scientist critics, led by the movement "Intelligent Design" - want textbooks to question Darwinism, especially the idea that man, monkey and other animals have common ancestors.
In contrast, followers of Darwin believe that science has nothing to do with a debate after which, they say, lies the growing influence of the religious right in this country. Harris
Darwin defends the idea that the mechanisms "adapt and respond to the environment in which they live", but not the principle that "man is an accident."
"The idea that different forms of life come from a common ancestor and are the result of a natural, unplanned process is not supported by science," said Harris.
Intelligent Design theory was born in Seattle's Discovery Institute, a conservative center opened in 1990 and counts among its founders Bruce Chapman, director of the U.S. census for the administration of President Ronald Reagan (1981 - 1989).
Scientists Discovery Institute's claim that neo-Darwinism does not answer such complex mechanisms such as cell structure, which can only be the work of an "intelligent designer."
Given the "gaps" that attribute to Darwinism, Intelligent Design proposes that the textbooks do a "critical analysis" of evolution, which "should be presented as a scientific theory open to scrutiny and not as an unquestionable dogma."
Although not yet clear how this conflict will be resolved, Darwin has survived similar attacks in the past.
Creationists, a group that supports the biblical view that God created the world in six days about 6,000 years ago, have lashed out repeatedly against Darwin.
In 1987 the U.S. Supreme Court banned creationism be taught in biology classes, since it is pseudoscientific, and coined the movement as a "religious dogma."
Unlike creationists, Intelligent Design says that his theory is agnostic, which gives them a crucial advantage over creationism, the potential to facilitate access to science classes, where they want to derail Darwinism.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

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osmosis is defined as a passive diffusion characterized by the passage of water, solvent through the semipermeable membrane from a dilute solution to the most concentrated.
And we understand by osmotic pressure to that which would be necessary to stop the flow of water through the semipermeable membrane. When considered as semi-permeable to the plasma membrane, cells in multicellular organisms must remain in osmotic equilibrium with tissue fluids that bathe.
If the extracellular fluid increases the concentration of solutes, would be hypertonic compared to cells arise as a result of water loss and dehydration (plasmolysis)
Also Thus, if the extracellular fluids are diluted are hypotonic compared to the cells. Water tends to move to the protoplasm and cells swell and become swollen and may burst (in the case of plant cell wall cellulose forbid it), by a process of turgor.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

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Must starting point
Barley, raw material and ingredient beer is artificially germinated and toast for Malta. Once ground grain mixed with water, it must undergo a process of cooking, known for brazing.
Through this process, starch containing the barley is converted into sugars. In this first step the liquid is obtained which will work to get the final product and, so far, has neither the taste nor the color of the beer we drink today. Liquid Filtration

Must we have obtained must be subjected to boiling for a few hours (usually two), after which, add the hops. These are the dried fruit of a climbing plant common in Spain, and the same name. By adding the must acquire the aroma and bitter taste so characteristic of beer.
to get a drink with a nice texture, filtered and eliminated any substance that is not dissolved in the above processes. Then subjected to a sudden change of temperature: boiling point is put at 8 or 10 º C. Until reaching this temperature the yeast can be added, one of the key ingredients of beer.
fermentation and maturation, the last process
yeast enzymes break down the juice and produce, naturally, alcohol and CO2. The product we have obtained after this process and is called beer, although a green beer or green they need to mature. The liquid stored in tanks remains a period that can range from the week and month, at a temperature of 0 º C. The time that remains in these deposits depends on the type and beer brand. After this time, the flavor is already real and definitive of the 'rods' that we tasted in bars or restaurants. Although, to be packaged and distributed, yet must be filtered again. The sediment and small particles are removed to leave the pure liquid.

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itself A catalyst is a substance that is present in a chemical reaction in physical contact with the reagents, and speed, induces or promotes the reaction without acting on it.
Thus it is said that the reaction is "catalyst." Examples: production reactors ammonia, where substances are used to accelerate and increase the level of NH3 production without involving them in the atomic bonds but if they are present in the mixture. In this case the catalyst is a liquid, but may be solid or gaseous.
The catalysts are used especially in organic reactions.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

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Solar Energy Radiant energy is produced in the Sun as a result of nuclear fusion reactions. Reaches the Earth through space in quanta of energy called photons, which interact with the atmosphere and land surface. The intensity of solar radiation on the outer edge of the atmosphere, considering that the Earth is at its average distance from the sun, called solar constant and its average value is 1.37 × 106 erg/s/cm2 or about 2 cal/min/cm2Sin however, this amount is not constant, since it seems that varies by 0.2% over a period of 30 years. The intensity of actual power available at Earth's surface is less than the solar constant due to absorption and scattering of radiation that causes the interaction of photons with the atmosphere.
The intensity of solar energy available at a given point on Earth depends on a complicated but predictable, the day of the year the time and latitude. In addition, the amount of solar energy can be collected depends on the orientation of the receiver. A system for harnessing solar energy is the heat widespread. The means to achieve this temperature contribution is made by collectors. The manifold is a surface, exposed to solar radiation, to absorb its heat and transfer it to a fluid. There are three different techniques from each other in the temperature can reach the surface scavenging.

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The cell is able to feed and reproduce from amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids. The appearance of these organic compounds on Earth can be studied if we imagine the primitive environment of Earth. The universe is made up almost 90% hydrogen. At first the earth was an area rich in certain compounds of hydrogen and water vapor, ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide, etc ..., and also had an ocean of liquid water with dissolved atmospheric gases it. The elements of the atmosphere and crust reacted together to form more complex molecules, such as amino acids. To this end were accurate source of energy. At the time, the atmosphere lacked free oxygen, unable to form the so called ozone that blocks the passage of the sun's ultraviolet rays, so harmful to humans, but so favorable for the formation of the first molecules of Earth life.
currently free amino acids form proteins began to coalesce. These, in turn, able to take advantage of the oxygen must have produced the oxygen that today is our atmosphere. Then the oxygen group could form ozone which impede the flow of ultraviolet radiation, stopping the possibility of continuing to build organisms. Henceforth, the new agencies would be the heirs to those first established by solar radiation. In a famous experiment, Miller and Urey American researchers applied electric shocks to a vessel containing a mixture of hydrogen, methane, nitrogen and ammonia. Eventually found to have formed various substances and organic compounds. Had been generated, the building blocks of protein. It is considered that they could feed and reproduce. Colonies were formed later. The cells became more interdependent, resulting in multicellular beings slowly evolved and refined.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

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probe Voyager 1 during its closest encounter with Saturn, sent stunning images of the rings, revealing that, in fact, hundreds of other small rings were between the old rings A, B and C, thus invalidating the theory that considered these three rings as a single disk of matter.
Voyager 1 has revealed further that the F ring, discovered in 1979 by the Pioneer 11 is in turn subdivided into three parts, traversed by small rings and confirmed the existence of the D ring that was photographed during passage through Saturn's shadow. Also the faint E ring, visible from Earth every two years, when Saturn is in a certain position on our planet, has been observed by Voyager 1.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

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Jupiter was first visited by Pioneer 10 in 1973 and later by Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2 and Ulysses. The Galileo spacecraft currently in orbit around Jupiter and send data from there over the next two years. Gaseous planets do not have solid surfaces, their gaseous material simply gets denser with depth (the radius and diameter suitable for these planets refer to the level corresponding to a pressure of 1 atmosphere). What we see when looking at these planets is the top of the highest clouds in its atmosphere (slightly above the 1 atmosphere pressure).
Jupiter has a 90% hydrogen and 10% helium (by number of atoms, or a 75/25% by mass) with traces of methane, water, ammonia and "rock." Which closely resembles the composition of the solar nebula from which the solar system formed. Saturn has a similar composition, but Uranus and Neptune have much less hydrogen and helium.

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Until recently it was thought that comets were bodies residues formed by cosmic sky, very similar to meteorites, wandering aimlessly through the solar system. Today our understanding of comets have undergone a revolution.
The American astronomer Fred Whipple has formulated a hypothesis that fits perfectly with most astronomical observations. According to Whipple, comets are like "dirty snowballs", ie would be formed by a conglomerate of ices (water, ammonia, carbon dioxide) and solid grains composed of carbon and silicates.
nuclei and compounds, due to its small size, lightweight and compact, they are able to resist the gravitational pull of Sun and planets, but al the same time are quite volatile to justify ia huge cloud of which are surrounded by the effect of solar heat. This hypothesis would also explain why comets are not visible when hair and no tail.

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The main achievements of these two American space probes were:
magnetospheres The discovery of Uranus and Neptune, both of which are inclined to the axis of rotation and offset with respect to the planet , suggesting that its original source can be significantly different from that of other magnetospheres.
The discovery of 22 new Satellites: 3 Jupiter, Saturn 3, 10 and 6 at Neptune Uranus.
The first observation of active volcanoes on a planetary body (Io, a satellite of Jupiter) and the discovery of geyser-like structures and an atmosphere on Triton (satellite of Neptune).
Detection of auroral zones on Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.
The discovery of Jupiter's rings. Intricate structures were also found in the rings of Saturn, including an interlocking ring (F). Were also discovered two new rings of Uranus and Neptune (initially considered as arches, it was confirmed that they were complete and consist of fine materials).
In Neptune, considered initially very cold for atmospheric dynamics have important features were found faster winds around the Solar System and major storms and large scale structures in the atmosphere (most notably the Great Dark Spot.)
The collection of thousands of photographs of both giant planets like many of its satellites, which, besides giving us the first detailed look at a variety of worlds, would allow mapping and geological survey of all these bodies.

Friday, July 11, 2008

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Y. .. ASIF be torn apart the answers Insutria

For those who do not know ASIF means Photovoltaic Industry Association. The largest association in the photovoltaic industry, but not much less represent the whole sector. It is a curious association in that integrates installers, manufacturers, distributors, law firms, consultants, etc. That is, companies in many times in competition.

Well, what I am, I read on the blog site of jumanji that ASIF will be torn apart. Abandon this partnership the following companies. Solaria, Isofoton OPDE, Gamesa Solar, Siliken, BP Solar, Solar T, Bergé Generación, Guascor, Fotowatio, Isolux, Gestamp Solar and Solar Pack.

If we analyze what kind of companies are these, we soon realize that there are few (ASIF represents hundreds of companies), are large and are dedicated to manufacturing (Siliken, Solaria, Isofoton, BP Solar , T Solar, Gamesa Solar), manufacturing and promotion of parks (OPDE, Guascor, Isolux Corsan, Gestamp Solar), and only promotion (Fotowatio, Solarpack) plus Bergé Generación (owner of Isofoton).

Of key partners (the steering committee) remain Atersa and Acciona Solar and the other two Gamesa Solar and Isofoton get off the car.

Reading is quite simple. It is noted that the interests of the larger companies are in large works and not the small roof, distributed generation at the point of consumption, etc ... Is it lawful on his part and started a movement towards a asocianismo sector more coherent discretice between different interests.

Acciona will remain because it is driving ASIF but I think we will see more movements.

I reproduce part of the statement:

the association's president and CEO of T-Solar, Juan Laso, remarked yesterday in the presentation, that his organization "does not arise from any conflict 'in relation to its separation from ASIF.

Laso said to represent 'long-term investment and stable jobs' at' commitment to photovoltaics. " The purpose of the constitution of the association is 'separate the wheat from the chaff' , in the words of Laso, in a sector that has grown up.

His profile and his interests are very different from what has hitherto been known of the intentions of Industry to the new regulation to replace from September to Royal Decree 661/2007.

If the first proposal of Industry, which CincoDías forward, saw the light as it is, the maximum power that would allow for installation of two megawatts. ASIF also favored limiting the size of the plants below 10 MW. However, as explained Javier Gorbeña, vice president of the association and CEO of Generation Bergé, they do support large solar plants. He noted that these facilities' are more efficient in the search for cost reduction. " The Association expressed as one of its objectives, maximize efficiency cost of this energy to reach parity with fossil fuels in the medium term.

addition, the new association does not want to impose quotas on the installation of photovoltaic power. According to the proposal of Industry, the maximum allowed for installation in 2009 would be 300 MW. Association said the sector has the capacity to have 10,000 MW installed in 2016 . The organization hopes to "speak in a few days" with industry on regulation. They agree on the need to reduce premiums to achieve a 'healthy profitability and not speculative' to ensure rates of return of 8%, Lasoski said.

advocate for making a quality standard

addition to seeking cost efficiencies to achieve parity with fossil fuels, the new association has also been raised, among its objectives, 'promote the quality and technology in the sector '.

In fact, Juan Laso noted advocates' a demanding quality standards, standards and monitoring compliance. " Gorbeña, in particular, noted that 'the exponential growth of the photovoltaic industry has led to a proliferation of facilities that do not meet the minimum durability, or are capable of generating energy that is expected of them' .

Gorbeña noted the risks that this situation introduces the work and investments and support the quality requirements are included in the new law.

Source: 5days

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

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getting tough with the photovoltaic

Negotiations for the new Royal Decree of the photovoltaic industry are difficult, as highlighted in the meeting held on 26 June between representatives of ASIF and APPA with Secretary General of Energy, Pedro Marin.

According to a document after the meeting that had access Renewable Energy, the Ministry's proposal divided the market into segments, ceilings and floors. In both segments the maximum power is 2 MW installation. For 2009 there will be 300 MW in total, to be distributed: 200 MW and 100 MW on roofs in soil. Marin

proposes these quantities significantly below the proposed ASIF / APPA, because the host power to RD 661/2007 will be much higher than planned and "everything that comes through September, is reducing future if While the Secretary General of Energy indicates that it is not known how much power will enter before September, because "the numbers are increasing every more and are becoming increasingly worrying (is estimated to reach 1,500 MW cumulative).

Industry's intention is to create a centralized way to control numbers and rates, so that to collect the premium will be enrolled in it. Registration will open quarterly periods. In coparse the amount for the quarter, more than expected-installed, the reduction rate for the next quarter would be 2.5%. Requirements are not met, would maintain the rate of the previous quarter.

Regarding the fee, the proposal is 33 c € / kWh for roof and 29 c € / kWh for ground with the aim of curbing the facilities on the ground and in 2009 the new facilities are made, preferably, on rooftops.

No mercy for those left behind
But Marin did not want the facilities that fail to register by September (661/2007 remnants or behind), "collapsing the future", as made clear at the meeting that "there will be no moratorium" for them. Enter into the new RD and check the terms it (rates, maximum size of facility, foster the Registry ....)

also warned of "signs wrong "they are throwing some Autonomous Communities on the closure of the end of September (Valencia, for example, 15 days ago issued an order giving six months to run these facilities overdue) and said that they will resort to" inspections and sanctions to pursue a breach of the rules "

sector response
These proposals completely surprised and disappointed left the industry representatives present at the meeting, among others, Javier Anta, president, Asif, and Miguel Arraras, the front section of APPA-FV, and so he moved to Marin indicating that materialize would create a "restructuring of the sector violent, deadly for many companies."

Via: Renewable Energy

And now my comments. Hot ...

The issue becomes very hard. I am seeing many companies everywhere, full of young entrepreneurs, making contingency plans to prepare for the worst. Closure.

Quotas are a bad idea:
  1. not the best will survive, but what they have more ability to get to join the quota. We saw it with subsidies. Large bore people at the gates of the public to give input to their cars applications.
  2. The expected price declines will not be as large if quotas remain. Manufacturers are aware of that or install or close, so that at the end of each quarter observe increases in the price of the panels.
  3. will lose competitiveness to compete with Germany, Japan and the U.S. (which are released) and those who are: France, Italy, etc. For example Germany itself stable quotas but 4 and 5 times higher than those presented here.
Places worst, and understanding that this is a regulated market tell us all there is to install, year after year and how much bonus will give us year after year and that each hold his candle stick.

Anyway, for once we have a historic oppurtunity to be leaders in something we are cut off as wings. Did not realize that the premiums, well managed, are a more reasonable investment? That in 15 years we'll forget about utilities? Oops ... I think that is precisely what they have realized. decentralized production of electricity as a democratizing factor does not benefit the coorporativismo that "governs us."

The proposal will queue.
